In the market for wedding rings? You might have come across multiple wedding band options. There are more factors to consider like colour, style, and price. Of course, one of the most important things to think about is the material of your wedding ring.
For instance, wedding band options are no longer limited to precious metals like gold, platinum, and silver. There are also contemporary rings made of cheaper metals, and one of the most popular choices is tungsten.
If you are deciding between getting a tungsten ring or a silver ring for your wedding bands, here’s a quick comparison guide that will help you make an informed decision.
Tungsten Rings vs. Silver Rings
Silver is long considered to be a precious metal and has been used in jewellery-making for a very long time. On the other hand, tungsten is a newer discovery and is considered a contemporary metal. Are tungsten rings silver in colour? Both may naturally have a silver lustre, but tungsten rings come in a darker grey hue.
In comparison to silver, tungsten (tungsten carbide in particular) is the harder and tougher metal. Ranking at 9 on the Mohs scale, tungsten carbide is the hardest metal used in jewellery today. Beaten only by diamond, tungsten carbide is even stronger than both gold and silver combined. Because it is so hard, tungsten is resistant to bending and deforming.
Between silver and tungsten, the latter is the more ideal choice for people who are engaged in professions involving physical work and even strenuous labour. You can wear your tungsten ring without worrying about accidentally damaging it.
A substance can only be scratched by an even harder substance. Silver may be a precious metal, but it is relatively easy to scratch it because there are many substances harder than silver on the Mohs scale. On the other hand, only a diamond can scratch a tungsten ring. Because diamonds can be readily avoided, it is safe to say that your tungsten ring is virtually scratch-resistant.
Let’s now talk about tungsten rings vs. sterling silver rings in terms of tarnishing or fading. Tarnishing is a very common problem with silver jewellery. Wedding rings are meant to be worn daily and for a long time, so tarnishing is a serious concern that you must consider.
On the other hand, you do not have to worry about tarnishing with a tungsten carbide ring. Because tungsten does not oxidise, it does not tarnish or fade in colour. It also does not rust or corrode. Instead, a tungsten carbide ring retains its natural colour and lustre with very minimal maintenance on the wearer’s part.
Another common consideration when it comes to choosing wedding rings is the ability to be customised or personalised. Many couples opt for metals that can be engraved to reflect a personal message or inscription, and silver is malleable and a prime candidate for engraving.
On the other hand, traditional engraving methods do not work with hard tungsten. However, customisation is still possible with a tungsten ring through laser engraving.
Both tungsten rings and silver rings are more affordable than gold. However, silver rings are more expensive than tungsten rings in general. Still, you may see a wide price range for tungsten rings, and some high-quality designer ones can command a price comparable to gold and silver jewellery.
There are many factors to consider when choosing wedding bands. If you are in the market for a pair of wedding rings, this list will help you decide which to get.